Absolutely Necessary Cleaning Tasks

Domestic Cleaning London

Coming home to a nice clean house is one of the nicest and most satisfying things. Having the rooms clean, neat and tidy means it will help you relax and enjoy the better things in life. There are a number of useful cleaning tasks that require doing; ones that I would consider really important in order for you to stay on top. These cleaning tasks would include the following: washing clothes, ironing, vacuuming, doing the dishes, dusting and cleaning the windows, keeping the toilet and bathroom clean, and sweeping the porches outside the front and back door.

Washing the Clothes

If you can stay on top of the washing, especially in winter time, then this is a way of keeping the house looking tidy and uncluttered. It’s easy to run a load of washing through the washing machine last thing at night or first thing in the morning so that it can be hung out to dry as quickly as possible. Don’t forget to wash clothes separately from the towels and sheets; otherwise the clothes can pick up lint off these items. When it comes to hanging the cleaned and washed clothes out to dry, a number of people like to sort the washing as they hang the clothes on the line as a way of saving time later. You can just sort them from the washing basket once they are dry. I like to do the sorting in the lounge – just make sure they are all sorted and put away before friends and neighbours come around! Washing the clothes in summer seems to be a whole lot easier because there is so much more sunshine around and this means quicker drying. When the weather is cold and damp, the clothes take ages to dry, and it’s for these times you might like to consider having a drying machine – though these contraptions will add to the power bill.

Getting the Ironing Done

With me, ironing is a sort of love or hate relationship. I enjoy doing it, sometimes. Because of this, I like to reserve the pleasure of getting the ironing done when the really smart garments are brought out. Shirts, trousers, dress jackets and skirts look a whole lot better once they have been ironed. Ironing can be time consuming, so try putting on your favourite music tracks to make the time go quicker.

Vacuuming the House

One of the quickest and easiest ways of sprucing up the house is by running around the rooms with a vacuum cleaner. Not only does the vacuum cleaner do a great job of picking up the small dust, bits and particles all over the floor and carpets, but the environment is actually a whole lot healthier – particularly if you happen to suffer from dust related illnesses. Vacuuming doesn’t take all that long, and try and see if the kids will help you; some of them actually really enjoy vacuuming. Make sure you do a vacuum before friends or visitors arrive, or before you want to get a little romantic with your spouse. A clean and tidy floor adds to the pleasantness and relaxed environment.

Get Those Dishes Clean

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Doing the dishes is a must. When you spend time doing a regular dish washing session as a family, there is a bonding and a great time spent in conversation. Doing the dishes lifts the kitchen tremendously and really is a must to have done before visitors arrive! Clean benches keep the flies away, so keeping your house free from flies must be a good incentive for you to keep the kitchen bench space clean and tidy by doing the dishes.


Dusting is an easy way of keeping tables, shelves, appliances and window sill areas free from the build-up of dust. Getting the dusting done regularly also helps you see what items may need a little extra cleaning. Sometimes the trophy on the cabinet or the computer screen might need a little more than a usual dust off, and while you do the dusting you can make a mental note to get these items cleaned more thoroughly at a time that suits you.

Clean the Windows

Cleaning windows is not the easiest of tasks, but it is essential to having your house looking great from the inside and out. Dirty windows are quickly noticed by visitors, so keeping them clean regularly makes all the difference.

Hiring Cleaning Services

Hire a Domestic Cleaner in London

OK, I will open a little bracket here.

Sometimes we all get a little snowed under and an extra pair of hands might be needed. Don’t be afraid to call a professional cleaning company to get your requirements ticked off regularly. It’s a simple and effective way when you have your time tied up elsewhere. Shop around for the most affordable cleaning services. If you live in London we would be more than happy to service your home.

If your house is based outside the boundaries of Greater London, we have negotiated for our customers to be looked after by one of the best companies around (Anyclean Domestic Cleaners). We are friends with the management of Anyclean and they guaranteed to offer the same level of service our inner London customers enjoy on a regular basis.

You may also like to hire the services of a professional gardener to keep the garden looking as good as the inside of the house. Cleaning the home is a complete package, after all.

Cleaning the Toilet and Bathroom

Have you ever been to a dirty toilet? It’s not the best experience, and it has to be a non-experience at your house. Daily toilet cleans keep the small room looking fresh and welcoming for family and visitors alike. Keeping the toilet clean is one of those tasks when a doing it a little and often is way better than sporadic cleans that become time consuming! The same goes for the bathroom surfaces. When you stay on top of the cleaning in the bathroom, the time spent doing it can be halved – it’s that simple.

Cleaning the Porch Areas

One of the areas that’s often overlooked is the areas directly inside and outside the front and back doors. Dust, leaves and rubbish quickly gather in these areas, so it is vital to stay on top of these areas if you want visitors to feel welcome and special on arrival. A quick sweep around with a broom, and then the occasional mop of any of the hard surfaces, does wonders and makes the welcoming areas of the home looking their best.

Prepare For Celebrating Through Speed Cleaning And Small Home Secrets

For me, a sparkling clean home environment during holidays is one of the essential priorities together with delicious meals, guests and presents. Following a schedule is a reasonable way to boost our ability to combine all of the ordinary tasks with unique moments, surprises and festive mood. I suppose that nobody wants to worry about cleanliness and tidiness when it is time for celebrating. These topics hold our minds every day, but we need to leave enough time for family, friends, tradition during holidays.

How to keep the household and the entire home, prepare our personal space, and lent a specific atmosphere, avoiding routine’s shadow?

No matter what happens before or during a distinct occasion, remember to stay focused on family, loved people and pleasant shared time.

Consider how to escape the mess all around and to prevent from desperate clutter. Please, write down your list and follow it every day.

Prepare the decorative part of such special moments. Situate aromatic candles everywhere; the fire must be the main hero around faith and home warmth. Take care of the beauty, smell and brilliance indoors.

It is no need to let go of the idea of having a spotlessly clean home for the particular family time. Forget the stress and overwhelming, celebrate, expect great opportunities and feel the vital things. Now be calm and prepared – that sit. Flawless experience and perfectness are available only in our striving towards them, but that is real magic-to feel, breathe and love all of the life colours, sharing their beauty with family and friends. Each of us possesses a unique personality and ability to transform hard-working, thorough cleaning and tiring cooking into precious memories. The secret is the way you prepare, plan and think. Forget to be too much critical toward yourself or others. Just do the best possible, and everything will find its right place – during the holiday and after that, while you are coping with chore and challenges as a whole. That will last.

This time of year is concerned with efforts and diligence. When it comes to cleanliness, remember that regular maintenance will save you time and keep inner energy for unforgettable moments and meaningful things. Make a deep home purifying two weeks ahead.

Two days before holiday visitors to come in, speed clean your home, focusing only on the most critical tasks. It should take less time than you expect if you are organised and motivated enough, aiming to search for a little bit of support from your favourite people. Delegating home chores make us together. That is the central part of the preparation and celebration.

Pick up every unnecessary stuff and return them to the right places room by room. Dust surfaces with a damp cloth. Vacuum floors and carpeting. Take care of rugs and doormats too, polish wood furniture with a suitable product. Wipe down your windows with vinegar, warm water and several drops rubbing alcohol. Pay special attention to entrances, hallways and stairs. Make a rapid clean-up of the railings, handles, frames and pictures. You can use liquid soap and favourite essential oil in a small quantity of water to lend a  pleasant scent to the festive home atmosphere.

If you notice spots on carpets, rugs or sofa, use only tested products. You shouldn’t have enough time to make any mixtures. But otherwise, it would be reasonable to keep such in you cleaning cupboard for the urgent occasions and spills during the holiday meals.

Prepare fluff pillows to make beds, scrub toilet and bowl, sinks, countertops and tiled walls. You may use wipes for fast results, mop kitchen surfaces, appliances and surrounding areas.

It is incredible to invite natural light in rooms. Impress your family and guests with a bright indoor environment. Can you imagine how much different your house can look when the curtains and blinds let light filter into entire space? Use mirrors to reflect the sun rays and to give the appearance of a larger area.

Sniff out bad smells and run away muggy air through washed surfaces and appliances, wide opened windows and lovely aromatic tricks. After a thorough purifying, I suppose that indoor air would be in a proper condition, but sometimes despite our efforts and hard-working, it would be possible to feel that something still requires special attention and clean care. Brew some coffee and allow the scent to spread all over the dwellings. Cut down the foul odours in the garbage bin, give it love and freshness through a paste of two tablespoons of baking soda, lemon peels and essential oils on the bottom.

Indeed the holiday season is a busy time. We need to plan, make lists with tasks and prepare for toasts. Small clean-up tricks during that period and little steps in home improvement ahead give additional value to the pleasant indoor environment. Cleanliness and cosiness without stress is the only way to spend a memorable feast together with favourite people.

How To Make A Kinder Room Clean Up – Healthy And Rapidly?

Purifying routine with kids sounds like a joke. Cleaning activities in the kinder room together with the children is a potentially enjoyable game, challenge, chaos, but indeed can be transformed into a smiled behaviour lesson. Strive towards cleanliness teaches self-reliance, care of the home and possessions, organising, storing and sorting, and feeling responsible for the personal space, which needs concern, comfort and functionality.

Photo by ©Sharron

An efficient kinder room clean-up and healthy options to get rid of different types of dirt and grime. How to create such an impossible combination?

Spot Removal

Choose an appropriate solution to cope with carpet stains and different type of colourations over the surfaces. A pre-treat product or a spot cleaner to choose from?
If you have to get rid of ink and markers out of fibres, try an enzyme-based solution that can work very successfully for up 48 hours to eliminate different types of organic residues. In this case, to increase its power, place a damp clean cloth over the spot.

Another modern technology is oxygen-based cleaners. They are suitable for pen ink stains. That natural formula changes the molecules of the dirt, and the problem disappears soon after applying.
You can easily cope with crayon spots through scrubbing with rubbing alcohol. A little bit of it is enough, be careful not to over-wet the area. Use a damp cloth, move with it in one direction to make the stain lighter. Movements in a circle could damage the toughness of the carpet fabrics and wreck its texture as a whole. Be careful with that product if your children still are around and a part of the whole process.

Some Additional Tricks During Тhe Spot Cleaning Process

To be sure of the significant final cleaning results, you can also spray around the stain. The light strokes over the material are a proper technic, making a clean-up movement from the edge to the centre of the spot.
Too much pressure can cause only possibilities for the stain to become more in-depth and more extensive, so gentle treatment is the better strategy. For tough stains, soak the fabrics with the cleaner and let them sit for a few minutes to absorb the dirt.

Dust Removal

Dust removal is an essential part of the kinder room cleaning, and it must be every-day care because small and young kids are sensitive towards the environment around them.
Begin with the items on the shelves and cupboards. To organise everything thoroughly and to ensure more space for the favourite toys and plays, move them. Wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth. Treat some of the most contaminated areas with rubbish alcohol-an a rapid clean up solution, practical and simple for usage. Be calm for the stubborn spots and traces of markers and crayons. Very soon, they will appear again, so do not allow yourself to suffer too long. The colourful paintings situated almost everywhere at home are a charming consequence of the children growth.

Photo by © Emily May

Efficient dust cleaning requires thoroughly vacuuming the entire space, including the hard-to-reach-zones behind and under the furniture. Pay special attention to the top of the cabinets, the corners, edges, nooks and crannies on the floor and the ceiling.
Move the furniture, collect the dirt and dust around the heavy items, wardrobes, pull up the legs of the chairs and tables. They are all around the high-traffic areas and are rich with crumbs, sands, small particles, dust, and outside pollution.
Move the desk, TV cabinet, computer table if there are such in the kinder room. Give them a good wipe and clean around, please.
Steam cleaner kills bacteria, viruses, a wide variety of pathogens. It refreshes the air, improves the indoor conditions for the kids. Ensure qualified maintaining of the floors, carpeting and upholstery. Curtains also could be washed in that way. You can delegate that task to the kids.

Look at the windows. Have you ever notice such a miracle painting of finger traces? Remove them extremely easy with a lemon juice or vinegar solution. The appropriate window cleaning tools would lend an astonishment shine. The success very often is in the small details and simple tricks.

Skirting boards and the difficult to reach places are not such a problem during the cleaning processes if you grab a long-handled duster. Be sure that is a valuable helper, and you will manage to increase your working capacity at home. Good luck and enjoy the right ideas and useful instruments.
Wipe down the skirting boards and dust those hard-to-reach places using a long-handled duster.
Blinds collect a lot of dirt and grime, and that unpleasant feature is a part of the home cosiness and the beauty of the window accessories. The good news is that a quick vacuuming and a damp clean cloth is enough to return their shine.

Photo by © storebukkebruse

Remember to make one final vacuuming when you have finished. The purpose is to pick up any remains and fallen particles. That would be the sweetest effort for you and your small helpers during the cleaning process.

Oink, Oink – My Close Encounter with Shakes The Pigster

Contrary to what you may believe, I do not write this post because of the name of my company. It is a true story about what happened to me a few years ago in one of the funniest episodes of my cleaning career.

One day I got a call from my boss that I will have to take a new assignment, a weekly housekeeping visit. Nothing extraordinary – at this stage of my career, it happened to me almost every week. What the manager failed to mention (or probably the customer did it) was a little caveat – the family had a 200-pound friendly pig as a pet.

Wait, a 200-pound pig?! Well, when they bought the guy for their 13-year old daughter as a birthday present, it used to weight some 180 pounds less. Two years and countless meals later, our chubby pink friend had turned into a heavyweight walking mess.

The problem was that the family in question was not living in a spacious house with a large backyard in the suburbs – they inhabited a small brick-stone house in Barnes, overviewing the Thames. While Shakes (the pigster) was not particularly messy, he did create some scatological issues. He also left his prints all over the place, which was particularly annoying.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the idea of pigs as pets, though I do prefer them in the form of bacon or steaks. There were more than a few occasions when I had to bite my lip when my customers complained about the floor cleaning. One particularly rainy day, the now teenage daughter of the clan walked merrily in with Shakes minutes after I had cleaned the floors. It was the last drop in my cup of patience – I notified my manager and the customers that either I quit or Shakes has to go. Obviously, I resigned.

The lesson I learned was worth it – you have to expect everything on the job, but at the same time you should demand some healthy respect for your efforts. Shakes, nothing personal, buddy – I hope you are still roaming the streets of Barnes!